Early detection and response capacities in Indian Ocean countries

Project details

Year: 2022

Client: Integrated Quality Laboratory Services for the Indian Ocean Commission

Objective: Evaluation of early detection and response capacities in Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Seychelles

Deliverables: Evaluation report of early detection and response capacities in each country.

Performed activities

We performed a one-week standardized assessment of alert, response, and strategic preparedness capacities for public health events in each targeted country as required by the International Health Regulations (Figure 1).

Core capacities for surveillance and response required by the International Health Regulations (2005)

Figure 1. Core capacities for surveillance and response required by the International Health Regulations (2005)

We used a predefined analytical framework to consolidate and analyse data collected from document review, key-informant interviews and site visits, for 29 capacities grouped in 6 components and 19 subcomponents (Figure 2).

List of components and subcomponents in the standardized assessment

Figure 2. List of components and subcomponents in the standardized assessment

For each country assessment, a final workshop enabled participants to reach a consensus on capacities, strengths, and weaknesses of the system, and on recommendations for capacity strengthening considering threats and opportunities.

We produced an evaluation report and its supporting slide deck for each country with:

  • a situation analysis;
  • a document review synthesis;
  • existing early detection and response capacities, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats; and
  • recommendations for capacity strengthening.