Bárbara Frossard Pagotto, MSc


Policy Analyst with a strong academic background in International Relations and Politics, and an experience focused on global health research and international cooperation in health. Professional experience in research institutes, non-governmental and international organizations, as well as in governmental institutions.

Work history

2017-2019: Ministry of Health - Brasília, Brazil

Consultant at the International Affairs office:

  • Provided technical documents related to health emergency, global health security and the International Health Regulations to support the international participation of the Minister of Health in bilateral and multilateral meetings.
  • Monitored and assessed the implementation of cooperation projects with Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay).
  • Wrote reports and carried out research on health emergency-related issues and critical areas of concern in South America.
  • Supported the development of simulation exercises within the framework of the International Health Regulations.
  • Organized and facilitated workshops on public health preparedness and response.
  • Collected and analysed data on the implementation of the International Health Regulations and on endemic-prone diseases in Brazil.

2017: Transparência Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil

Project Officer:

  • Assisted in the development and monitoring of the “Tá de pé” project, which was the winner of the Google Social Impact Challenge in 2016 in the popular vote category. Tá de Pé is an app that helps citizens to supervise the building of public schools and daycare centres funded by the Federal Government throughout the country.
  • Responsible for resource mobilization and partnerships.
  • Conducted research on Brazilian public policy on primary education.

2017: World Health Organization (WHO), Lyon, France

Agreement for performance of work (remote work), 4 months. Country Health Emergency Preparedness & IHR (CPI) Department:

  • Provided technical support to WHO One Health meetings.
  • Video editing and document translation.
  • Contributed to the preparation of written reports and outputs to be used in WHO online meetings.
  • Provided support to expert group meetings for the development of the Rapid Response Teams Knowledge Network.

2015: World Health Organization (WHO), Lyon, France

Internship, 5 months.Learning, Solutions & Training (LST) team. Country Health Emergency Preparedness & IHR (CPI) Department:

  • Assisted the team with the follow-up to the Rapid Response Team training on Ebola Preparedness.
  • Supported the team with the development of a knowledge Network and Communities of Practice in the context of public health.
  • Reviewed and selected training materials linked to WHO ongoing efforts to building the capacity of member states to implement the IHR.
  • Attended WHO’s biweekly worldwide teleconference on Ebola Virus Disease, providing a summary report for the staff based in WHO Lyon Office.
  • Conducted research on communities of practice and knowledge network issues and prepared reports and written inputs on the subject.

2015: Observatoire Politique de l’Amérique Latine et Caraïbes (OPALC), Paris, France

Research internship, 5 months:

  • Conducted research on critical areas related to health cooperation in South America with a special regard to regional organizations.
  • Wrote research papers and articles on South American cooperation on health.
  • Contributed to updating the OPALC website.
  • Provided materials and documents regarding cooperation on health in South American international organizations.

2014: DemocrArt, São Paulo, Brazil

Officer Assistant, 6 months:

  • Carried out research on areas related to accessible art in Brazil.
  • Provided administrative and substantive support to the DemocrArt CEO.
  • Provided presentation and other written inputs for CEO external meetings.
  • Compiled and analysed information necessary to new contract proposals.


  • MBA in Project Management (2020 - in progress) “Luiz de Queiroz” Superior College of Agriculture (ESALQ), University of Sao Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil

  • Master of Science in International Relations (2016) Institute of International Relations (IRI / USP), University of Sao Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil. MSc thesis: Public health and international security: the negotiation of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). Supervisor: Dra. Deisy Ventura

  • Bachelor degree in International Relations (2006 - 2010), Institute of International Relations (IRI / USP), University of Sao Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Master in Public Affairs - International exchange programme (2015), Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), Paris, France.

  • Master in International Relations - International exchange programme (2009), Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), Paris, France.

Additional courses

  • Johns Hopkins Fall Institute in Health Policy and Management (November 2019) - Barcelona, Spain.


  • Portuguese: mother tongue. English: fluent. French: fluent. Spanish: intermediate. Italian: intermediate.

Computer skills

  • Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS: proficient.
  • R software: basic knowledge.

Scientific publications

PAGOTTO, B. The International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) on Mercosur’s health cooperation agenda and the zika virus emergency. In Health and Foreign Policy: 20 years of the International Health Affairs Office of the Ministry of Health of Brazil (1998- 2018). Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2019. PDF

MASIERO, G. PAGOTTO, B. OGASAVARA, M. HIRATA, N. ASEAN-Brasil: relações econômicas, políticas e em ciência e tecnologia / ASEAN-Brasil: economic relations, politics and science and technology. In Escenarios de Integración, Sudeste Asiático-América del Sur: hacia la construcción de vínculos estratégicos. Buenos Aires: Eduntref, 2014. PDF